April 2023 – Spring Symposium

The Lost Art of Asking: Finding Out What Matters

Presented by Jacinta Gallant, JD

Conflict resolution professionals need strong communication skills and the ability to be productively curious. We ask questions to aid in understanding. We intend to be helpful and open, so when we get a defensive or resistant reaction we often wonder, "What went wrong?".

This workshop will help collaborative professionals ask better questions to find out what matters. We'll explore questions like:

• What does it mean to ask and listen to understand?
• How do we get the conversation started – and keep the dialogue going?
• What should we be asking about?
• How can we use questions to find creative solutions tailored to the clients’ needs? • How can the collaborative team focus on what matters to the clients in option generation?

Finally, professionals will learn to use this information to create a "Decision-Making Agenda" that aids clients and the team in generating options that meet the clients’ unique needs and values.

Jacinta Gallant, JD is a respected Canadian collaborative lawyer, conflict trainer and innovator. She is recognized internationally for her insightful approach to teaching and managing conflict. She has trained throughout North America, Europe, Australia and Southeast Asia. Her law practice Waterstone Law Group focuses on collaborative practice, mediation and out-of-court negotiation. Her innovative Our Family in Two Homes resources help prepare clients to engage deeply, and more productively, in Mediation and Collaborative Practice.

Please note, breakfast, lunch and snacks will be provided.

Sponsorship Opportunities

  • Sponsorship Level – “Gold Sponsor”:
    • Cost $500
    • Includes: 1 ticket to the Spring Symposium; promotion on DCACP website, in advertising emails in advance of the Spring Symposium, and at the event.

  • Sponsorship Level – “Silver Sponsor”:
    • Cost $250
    • Includes: promotion on DCACP website, in advertising emails in advance of the Spring Symposium, and at the event.
Categories: Spring Symposium