May 2024 – Monthly Member Meeting

Transitioning Clients in Collaborative Divorce

Presented by: Teresa Cole, Esq.

Wednesday, May 8, 2024
5:30 PM – 7:00 PM

Every divorce has its own difficult issues to surmount, but divorces where one of the spouses is transitioning to their true gender identity present some especially challenging issues. Collaborative Attorney, Teresa Cole, will discuss various aspects of working with divorcing clients in the Collaborative Process where one of the clients is Transgender or the parties are dealing with Transgender or Gender Spectrum issues with one of their children. Learn why the Collaborative Process is by far the best process for these families and how to be prepared to discuss the Collaborative Process with both a Transgender client and a Cisgender client who are divorcing and may be struggling with different concerns.

Please note: This meeting will be conducted by Zoom. Please contact the DCACP Adminstrator at for more meeting information. Kindly submit an RSVP below to record your attendance.

Categories: Member Meeting