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Andrea Hirsch

The Law Firm of Andrea E. Hirsch
5425 Wisconsin Avenue
Suite 600
Chevy Chase, MD 20815
Phone: 301-968-2410

For over fifteen years, I have been practicing family law and mediation and I have extensive experience litigating and negotiating all aspects of family law cases. While I offer a range of services to my clients, I believe that collaborative practice and mediation are extremely effective ways to resolve family disputes. And, in particular, I believe that collaborative practice offers clients a way to divorce that insulates their children from the conflict, gives them guidance and space to work through the hurt and anger that often accompanies divorce, and allows for exploration of creative solutions to difficult problems.

In 2010, I founded the Collaborative Practice Center of Greater Washington with three other collaborative colleagues. I am a founding member of the D.C. Academy of Collaborative Professionals, as well as a member of the Collaborative Dispute Resolution Professionals, the Northern Virginia Collaborative Professionals, the Maryland Collaborative Practice Council and the International Association of Collaborative Professionals.

I received a B.A. from Stanford University in 1978 and a J.D. from the University of Santa Clara School of Law in 1984. I am admitted to practice in Maryland, D.C. and California.