Kayla Vossler
EXPERIENCE Kayla Stuart Vossler practices in all areas of family law, including divorce, child and spousal support, property distribution, same-sex marriages, common-law marriages, and custody matters. Kayla brings over seven…
After initial individual meetings with their Collaborative attorneys, the clients, the Collaborative attorneys, and often both coaches, meet together to identify the couples’ issues and goals, to make any necessary interim arrangements regarding children or finances, and to identify information to be gathered to help develop options and reach goals. In addition, the clients can work individually and jointly with coaches to develop effective communication skills and to manage the intense emotions that often accompany separation and divorce. If there are children, the coaches work with the parents to develop a parenting plan that serves as a framework for co-parenting. Additional consultants such as a financial specialist, a child specialist, or an appraiser can also be hired to assist with other aspects of information-gathering and professional guidance. These team meetings serve as the venue for exchanging and clarifying information and for brainstorming possible options for a final settlement.
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