November 2023 – Monthly Member Meeting

The Psychology of Language in Collaborative Work

Presented by: Natalie Goldberg, LCSW and Sue Soler, LCSW

Wednesday, November 8, 2023
5:30 PM – 7:00 PM

Sticks and stones may break our bones

and words can hurt and help us.

The words we use have power and make an important difference in our work with clients. We live in a time when language is often used to incite hatred and division instead of empathy and understanding. Words can be used to calm, unite, inspire, provoke, divide, or shame and impact us at a biological and psychological level.

As collaborative professionals, it is helpful to recognize the impact of words on our work and how our shared collaborative language can be used as a tool to create a consistent and cohesive culture within our community and to more effectively reduce unnecessary conflict and manage conflict.

Please note: This meeting will be conducted by Zoom. Please contact the DCACP Adminstrator at for more meeting information. Kindly submit an RSVP below to record your attendance.

Categories: Member Meeting